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Tourist Attractions

There's always been a lot of places that i would have liked to visit. So my page is going to be about my top 4 places around the world that I would like to visit and sightsee.
Maybe someday when I'm able to sustain myself all be able to go onna trip to one of these places, maybe with friends or family.
To the most world wide famous tourist seeing places from Australia to Seattle all the way to France. Most of the places that I want to visit are beinf big and bright,
especially bright at night. Most of them are just very tall and big structures that are really bright during the night and call my attention when I see them.


What catches my attention the most when it comes to tourist attractions is the bright lights and how much it could stand out with its surroundings.
For the example The Space Needle is an attraction that really interests me because of how bright and colorful it is. Places that look like that always seem
for fun and excited to visit then others, in my opinion. But the next pages are mainly going to be about places that I would like to sight see for the reason that they seem fun and adventerous.